
What is Klonopin?

Klonopin, which is also known as Clonazepam, is a long acting benzodiazepine that is normally prescribed to treat:

  • Panic attacks
  • Seizures
  • Restlessness

Klonopin works by slowing down or stopping certain nerve signals in the brain.

Is Klonopin addicting?

Klonopin is a highly addictive substance and may be habit forming. Within a few weeks of consistently taking Klonopin, the body adjusts to the presence of the drug and a tolerance develops. As a tolerance to Klonopin develops, the body requires more and more Klonopin to achieve relieve the symptoms the drug was prescribed to treat.

Klonopin Withdrawal Symptoms

  • Diarrhea
  • Insomnia
  • Anxiety
  • Fever
  • Vomiting
  • Seizures

Signs of Klonopin Addiction

  • Overwhelming desire to take klonopin at a specific time or several times a day
  • Attempting to stop using klonopin and failing
  • Needing higher and more frequent doses of klonopin to receive the same effect
  • Symptoms of withdrawal from klonopin if a dose is missed or reduced

Klonopin Detox at home

Under the supervision of the professionals at Outpatient Detox, patients do not need to fear experiencing klonopin withdrawal symptoms. Patients may detox off of klonopin in the comfort of their own homes with personalized treatment plans consisting of a gradual taper off the medication until the medication is no longer needed. Outpatient Detox professionals will also use other non-addictive medications to help with the taper and to keep the patient safe, calm, and able to sleep at night throughout the detoxification period.

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