You might be considering either outpatient drug detox or traditional rehab. There are a few differences. First, there is the time commitment. Outpatient drug detox typically takes anywhere from seven to 21 days, the typical time it takes for the body to completely cleanse itself of narcotics. Rehab requires weeks or even months. Outpatient drug detox allows patients the chance to continue working and staying with family.
What kinds of outpatient drug detox do you offer?
Outpatient detox specializes in helping patients detox from alcohol, opiates and benzodiazepines. The outpatient drug detox process involves specialized, individualized therapy; as well as relapse prevention, medication management, and drug testing. Patients meet one to two times per week with the staff for psychotherapy and medical management.
Contact us at our toll free number 855-TO-DETOX (855-863-3869) with questions or more information about our outpatient detox program to take the first step to a healthier life.